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RESOLUTION NO. 832-A <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, <br /> STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING A NAME FOR A PRIVATE ROAD <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills , County of Santa <br /> Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Town of Los Altos Hills , has considered <br /> and recommended to the City Council that it approves and adopts a name for a certain <br /> private road hereinafter described in order to expedite the response time of emergency <br /> equipment including but not limited to police, fire and ambulance equipment; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City'Council is authorized to designate the names of streets pursuant <br /> to Section 34091 .1 of the Government Code; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to <br /> designate a name for the private road hereinafter described in order to expedite the <br /> response time of emergency equipment to homes presently located, or hereafter built <br /> along the private road; and <br /> WHEREAS, by reason of the designation of a name for the private road the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills is not accepting nor are the owners thereof offering for acceptance - <br /> the said private road as a public street. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: <br /> 1 . The City Council hereby adopts and designates the following name for the <br /> respective private road herein described; to wit: <br /> Name Location <br /> Moody Court Commencing on the northwesterly side of. Moody Road <br /> and thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction <br /> to a parcel of land vacated for road purposes by <br /> Resolution No. 528 of the Town of Los Altos. Hills. <br /> 2. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause a certified copy of the <br /> within Resolution to be transmitted forthwith to the-Board of Supervisors of Santa <br /> Clara County in compliance with Section 34092 of the Government Code. <br /> I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular <br /> meeting of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills , held on the 20th <br /> day of November, 1974. <br /> Deput i ty Cler' <br />