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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR <br /> STREET DEDICATION TO THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA <br /> March 31,2010 <br /> All that certain real property situated in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State <br /> of California, more particularly described as follows; <br /> All of Lot 14, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 1724 Stonebrook,"which map <br /> was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, <br /> on August 18, 1958 in Book 96 of Maps,Pages 38 and 39. <br /> Beginning at the point of the intersection of the easterly boundary of the property line of Lot 14, <br /> with northerly boundary of the property line which also is southerly line of Priscilla Lane;thence <br /> running along said easterly boundary of the property line, S 30 deg. 07' 36"E 15.00 feet; <br /> Thence leaving said easterly boundary of the property line and running parallel with said <br /> northerly boundary of the property line, S 60 deg. 02' 00"W 111.56 feet; <br /> Thence on a curve to the left,with a radius of 38.74 feet,through a central angle of 42 deg. 07' <br /> 12", for a distance of 28.48 feet;to a point of reverse curvature; <br /> Thence on a curve to the right,with the radial S 89 deg. 58' 00"E and a radius of 50.00 feet, <br /> through a central angle of 69 deg. 12' 44",for a distance of 60.40 feet to westerly boundary of the <br /> property; <br /> Thence running along said westerly boundary of the property line N 20 deg. 45' 17"W 10.00 <br /> feet; <br /> Thence on a curve to the left,with the radial S 20 deg.45' 17"E and a radius of 40.00 feet,through <br /> a central angle of 69 deg, 12' 44",for a distance of 48.32 feet;to a point of reverse curvature; <br /> Thence on a curve to the right,with a radius of 40.00 feet,through a central angle of 60 deg. 00' <br /> 00",for a distance of 41.89 feet; <br /> Thence running along the said northerly boundary of the property line N 60 deg. 02' 00"E <br /> 111.56 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br /> Containing: 2,680.80 square feet,more or less. <br /> 0.06154 acres,more or less. <br /> A. P.N.: 336-24-008 <br /> 25538s/G, <br /> FS P 2/-3 Sheet 1 of 2 <br /> CIV1 . <br />