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411 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 826 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN. OF LOS ALTOS <br /> HILLS URGING SUPPORT FOR. PROPOSITION NO. 1 ON THE <br /> NOVEMBER 5 GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT <br /> WHEREAS., Proposition No. 1 on the ballot for the State-wide <br /> General Election to be held on November 5, 1974 and entitled <br /> "State School Building Aid and Earthquake Reconstruction and <br /> Replacement Bond Law of 1974" would provide for the issuance of <br /> General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $150,000,000.00 for the <br /> State School Building Aid. Fund of which $100 ,000,000. 00 would be <br /> available for loans to school districts presently bonded to their <br /> maximum bonding capacity and of whichthe remaining $50,000,000 . 00 <br /> would be available as loans to repair or replace buildings not <br /> meeting earthquake standards under the Field Act or damaged in <br /> earthquakes occurring after March 1, 1974, and <br /> WHEREAS, since 1933 the State of California has •enforced <br /> design and construction standards under the Field Act but many <br /> school buildings constructed prior to 1933 are still in use and <br /> are unsafe, and <br /> WHEREAS, school districts are required to repair, replace or <br /> abandon unsafe buildings by June 30, 1975, and <br /> WHEREAS, in June 1972 a school construction bond measure in <br /> the amount of $350,000, 000.00 was approved of which $2.5=0,000 ,.000. 00 <br /> was available for loans to school districts providing matching <br /> funds, and <br />