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41, <br /> RESOLUTION # 788 <br /> RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROCESS TO <br /> BE USED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY TO <br /> IMPLEMENT THE FEDERAL AND URBAN <br /> PROGRAM <br /> WHEREAS, the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973 provides Federal funds <br /> for expenditures on the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) System of Highways or, under <br /> certain conditions, for public transportation projects; and <br /> WHEREAS, the FAU System consists of State highways , city streets <br /> and County roadslocated within urban areas and urbanized areas of the State; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation has required that <br /> each urbanized and urban area must have a cooperative process to produce a <br /> three year program identifying local projects , transit projects and regional <br /> highway projects, including State highway projects ; and <br /> WHEREAS, th'e cooperative process must involve the cities , the County, <br /> the County Transit District, the Metropolitan Transportation Agency, and the <br /> State; and <br /> WHEREAS, before Federal aid will be made available for Urban System <br /> projects within Santa Clara County, the process for determining project prior- <br /> ities and developing a three year program must be approved by MTC with regard <br /> to the regional interest, and by the State Department of Transportation; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County of Santa Clara has been designated as the land <br /> agency for purposes of developing the cooperative process in Santa Clara County; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills hereby approves the following process and procedures for deter- <br /> mining Federal Aid Urban System project priorities and developing a three year <br /> Federal and Urban System Program and requests that they be approved by the State <br /> Department of Transportation: <br /> 1 . The County of Santa Clara will exchange County Gas Tax Funds with the other <br /> cities in the County, with the exception of San Jose, for 22. 1% of the total <br /> FAU funds allocated to Santa Clara County. These funds will be allocated . <br /> to the individual cities in .accordance with the following provisions and <br /> are equal to the amount:;of money which would be available to each city on;: <br />