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III • <br /> Distance <br /> Can From 1 30-Gal . 2 30-Gal . 3 30-Gal , 4 .30-Gal . <br /> Public Street Can Weekly Cans Weekly Cans Weekly Cans Weekly <br /> Road to 100 ' $3 . 70 $5 . 40 $7 . 20 $8 . 90 <br /> 100 ' to 200 ' 4 . 15 5 . 85 7 . 65 9. 40 <br /> 200 ' to 300 ' 4 . 55 6 . 30 8 . 05 9 . 80 <br /> 300 ' to 400 ' 5 . 00 6 . 70 8 . 50 10 . 25 <br /> 400 ' to 500 ' 5 . 40 7 . 20 8 . 90 10 . 70 <br /> 500 ' to 600 ' 5 . 85 7 . 65 9 . 40 11 ..15 <br /> 600 ' to 700 ' 6 . 30 8 . 05 9 . 80 11 . 55 <br /> 700 ' to 800 ' 6 . 70 8 . 50 10. 25 12 . 00 <br /> 800 ' to 900 ' 7 . 20 8 . 90 10 . 70 12 . 40 <br /> In the event of more frequent regular collections <br /> than herein specified, the rate shall be the amount set out <br /> above multiplied times the number of collections per week. <br /> In the event of less frequent regular collections than herein <br /> specified, the rate shall be the amount set out above divided <br /> by the number of weeks between collections . <br /> (b) BUSINESS AND INSTITUTIONAL RATES : <br /> For a thirty gallon can, the contents of which not <br /> to exceed seventy (70) pounds in weight , collected once a <br /> week, the rate shall be $3 . 50 . In the event of more <br /> frequent regular collections , the rate shall be $3 . 50 • <br /> multiplied times the number of collections per week. <br /> (c) LARGE CONTAINER RATES : <br /> Where the Company provides an approved container <br /> the rates shall be : <br /> COMMERCIAL RATE <br /> (a) One collection per week (d) Four collections per week <br /> 1-1/2 cu. yd . 23 . 00 1-1/2 cu. yd. 86 . 00 <br /> . 3 cu. yd. . 40 . 00 3 cu. yd. 126 . 00 <br /> 6 cu. yd. 58 . 00 6 cu . yd. 161 . 00 <br /> (b) Two connections per week (e) Five collections per week <br /> 1- 1/2 cu. yd. 40 . 00 1-1/2 cu. yd. 103 . 00 <br /> 3 cu. yd. 69 . 00 3 cu. yd. 155 . 00 <br /> 6 cu. yd . 92 . 00 6 cu. yd . 196 . 00 <br /> (c) Three collections per week . (f) Six collections per week <br /> 1-1/2 cu. yd. 69 . 00 1-1/2 cu. yd. 121 . 00 <br /> 3 cu. yd. 98 . 00 3 cu. yd. 184 . 00 <br /> 6 cu. yd.. 126 . 00 6 cu. yd. 230 . 00 <br /> • <br /> (d) SPECIAL CONTAINER RATES : <br /> - <br /> For collection of extra garbage at the time of the - <br /> regular collection, the rate shall be $4 . 05 per cubic yard <br /> provided the capacity of the regularly scheduled truck will <br /> accommodate the extra load. Special collection service shall <br /> be provided. by Company within two (2) days of request <br /> therefor, Saturdays and Sundays excepted. For special col- <br /> lection of garbage, at times other than the regular collection, <br /> a minimum charge of $13 . 15 per extra load may be <br /> charged. All extra or special collections must be directly <br /> 3 . <br />