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• ® <br /> accessible to Company's truck or an additional charge may be made for <br /> actual costs involved in carrying said garbage to the truck. <br /> 4. That that certain agreement dated January 3, 1966 rela- <br /> tive to handling garbage in the Town of Los Altos Hills by and between <br /> the Town of Los Altos Hills , a municipal corporation, and Los Altos <br /> Garbage Company, a partnership, be and the same hereby is extended to <br /> and including the 30th day of April , 1977. <br /> 5. That the Mayor of the Town of Los Altos Hills be and he <br /> is hereby authorized and instructed to execute aniagreement extending <br /> said agreement on behalf of the Town of Loa Altos Hills , in duplicate. <br /> 6. Notwithstanding any implication in paragraOh seventh of <br /> the said agreement, Los Altos Garbage Company may apply for a rate in- <br /> crease any time after July 1 , 1975, provided it shall have experienced <br /> a rise of at least five per cent in the cost of collection, removal and <br /> disposal of garbage in the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> 7. That the Town Clerk of the Town of Los Altos Hills be, <br /> and he is hereby authorized and instructed to countersign and attest to <br /> said agreement on behalf of the Town of Los Altos Hills , in duplicate, <br /> and to deliver a duplicate original copy of the agreement to the Los <br /> Altos Garbage Company. <br /> 8. That the Town Clerk of the Town of Los Altos Hills be, and <br /> he is hereby authorized and instructed to attack a copy of this resolution <br /> to the agreement of January 3, 1966, in his custody, as an amendment <br /> of said agreement to provide for the increased rate structure contained <br /> in the new rate schedule hereinabove stated and for the extension of <br /> the term of the said franchise agreement. The Town Clerk shall mail a <br /> certified copy of said resolution to the Loa Altos Garbage Company. <br /> * * * * * * * <br /> I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolu- <br /> -4- <br />