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• • <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 719 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br /> HILLS DECLARING THE RESULT OF ITS CANVASS OF THE SPECIAL <br /> MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1973 FOR THE <br /> PURPOSE OF FILLING TWO VACANT COUNCIL SEATS. <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, <br /> California, that <br /> WHEREAS, by resolution duly passed and adopted the City called <br /> and ordered a Special Municipal Election pursuant to §27518 of the <br /> California Elections Code for the purpose of filling of two council- <br /> manic vacancies, one for a term expiring at the regular Municipal <br /> Election in April 1974, and one for a term expiring at the regular <br /> Municipal Election in April 1976; and <br /> WHEREAS, notice of said special municipal election was duly <br /> published as required by law and by said resolution; and <br /> WHEREAS, it appears that said special municipal election was <br /> duly held in accordance with the law and said call on the 18th day <br /> of September, 1973, and that the polls for said election were kept <br /> open during the time required by law, and that said election was <br /> held and conducted and the votes thereat received and canvassed and <br /> the returns thereof ascertained, determined and declared all as <br /> provided in the laws of the State of California; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills has duly <br /> convened at its usual meeting place on the 25th day of September, <br /> 1973, being the first Tuesday after the election, and has completed <br /> a canvass of returns of such election and; <br />