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• <br /> c � , <br /> I41, <br /> WJM&L:PDA:S : zw 7/17/72 12c <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 675 <br /> A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS <br /> OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA TO THE EXERCISE OF EXTRA- <br /> TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR <br /> THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS <br /> AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON <br /> THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL <br /> ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS <br /> SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 10 <br /> RESOLVED, by the Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, <br /> California, that <br /> WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Council to undertake appro- <br /> priate special assessment and assessment bond proceedings for the <br /> acquisition and construction of improvements in said City, as follows : <br /> (a) The construction of sanitary sewer mains, manholes with <br /> manhole frames and covers, wyes and laterals, where required, in <br /> Summitwood Road from Tepa Way southwesterly 520 feet, more or less, <br /> to a point opposite the line common to Lots 4 and 5, Tract 3340; <br /> thence in easements to be acquired along said common line to a point <br /> in Summitwood Road, thence southwesterly along Summitwood Road to a <br /> point opposite the line common to Lots land 3, Tract 3244; thence <br /> southerly in easements to be acquired along said common line and its <br /> southerly prolongation to a point on the southwesterly line of Lot 5, <br /> Tract 2043, thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of <br /> Lots 5 and 6, Tract 2043, continuing in and along an existing ease- <br /> ment adjacent to the southwesterly line of A.P.N. 336-32-50 to a <br /> point in La Loma Drive, thence from said point northerly 225 feet, <br /> more or less in La Loma Drive and from said point southeasterly 150 <br /> feet, more or less, to a point opposite the northwesterly line of <br /> A.P.N. 336-32-69, thence in easements to be acquired southwesterly <br /> 170 feet, more or less, to a point, thence from said point south- <br /> westerly 240 feet, more or less, and from said point southerly 225 <br /> feet, more or less, along the line common to A.P.N. 336-32-69 and <br /> A.P.N. 336-32-68 thence southwesterly 120 feet, more or less, along <br /> the northerly line of A.P.N. 336-32-67; from a point in Summitwood <br /> Road opposite the easterly line of Lot 5, Tract 3340, running thence <br /> southerly 320 feet, more or less, in an easement to be acquired, <br /> along said easterly line to the northerly line of Lot 6, Tract 3340; <br /> from a point in Summitwood Road opposite the line common to Lots 4 <br /> and 5, Tract 3340, thence easterly 200 feet, more or less, along <br /> Summitwood Road to a point opposite the easterly line of Lot 4, <br /> Tract 2043, thence southerly 75 feet, more or less, in easements to <br /> be acquired along said easterly line and from said point south- <br /> easterly 350 feet, more or less, in an easement to be acquired along <br /> the line common to Lots 1 and 2, Tract 2043, to a point in La Loma <br /> Drive, thence from said point northeasterly 150 feet, more or less, <br /> in La Loma Drive and from said point southeasterly 300 feet, more <br /> or less, in an easement to be acquired along the line common to <br /> Lots 2 and 3, Tract 2003. <br /> (b) The acquisition of all rights, lands and easements and <br /> the performance of all work auxiliary to any of the above necessary <br /> to complete the same. <br />