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Breyman cont 'd. -2 <br /> ( ginutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of Dec. 6, 1962 were read. <br /> It was determined that the Planning Commission did not recommend the re- - <br /> quirement for easement for a path be repealed, but that an easement be <br /> granted to the Town from public road to the westernmost limit of the <br /> property abutting Lot 5 of Tract No. 2980; that the path be constructed <br /> when and as needed. - <br /> Councilman Fowle illustrated what has been required with a sketch on the <br /> blackboard. <br /> Mr: Myers explained that the real need for when the path should be con- <br /> structed has not been established . <br /> The City Attorney explained that , so far, the easement was never imposed <br /> by the Council ; that it was an offer by Mr. Breyman' s son; that the <br /> Council is not authorized to require this easement from Mr. Breyman. • He <br /> further stated that the requirements of Tract No. 3280 should be con- <br /> sidered on its own merit , and that he would recommend referring the Map <br /> back to the Planning Commission. <br /> Mr. Myers stated that Mr. Brad Breyman did not state that Mr. Breyman, <br /> his father, would dedicate the easement . <br /> 4YTL:H TK-iiItrn <br /> Councilman Fowle asked Mr. Myers if the paEhirequirement were deleted , <br /> would Mr. Breyman be willing to grant the easement . <br /> Mr. Breyman answered that he would not as a condition of approval of <br /> Tract No. 3280. He stated that he would like to hear the conditions. <br /> The Mayor stated that the Map should be resubmitted and referred back to <br /> the PlanningCommissionbecause the requirements under which the ap- <br /> proval was granted are unacceptable to Mr. Breyman. - He commented there <br /> has not been a meeting of the minds. <br /> • <br /> Mr. Myers said he would urge that the matter be solved without too much <br /> delay, and commented on Mr. Breyman' s position with the Hudecs, owners <br /> of -Tract No. 3280, stating that this delay will be a great inconvenience <br /> to his client and the Hudecs . • <br /> Councilman Bowler commented on the public hearing held for Zone 4, stating <br /> that there was good turnout at one hearing and that the other one was <br /> not so well attended. - <br /> Councilman Fowle commented that he would be willing to accept an in lieu <br /> payment for a path from Robleda Road to the end of the cul de sac , and <br /> accept an easement over Tract No. 2980. <br /> Mr. Myers commented that the Town bodies (Planning Commission and Council) <br /> have been over this problem and keep coming back over the same area; that <br /> he would like the Council to give some determination this evening based <br /> on what is presently before them. <br /> Mayor Clayton stated that the Council wouldnot depart too far from the <br /> advice of the City Attorney. <br /> Mr. Paisant recommended the Map be returned to the Planning Commission <br /> that the Council not consider the Map piecemeal , but consider it it in <br /> its entirety. • <br />