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City Council Minutes
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6/1/2016 11:45:35 AM
Creation date
6/1/2016 11:45:34 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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paths contld, -4- <br /> ( In consideration of the pth plan, Mr. Hawley stated that he felt paths <br /> t should run from main artery to main artery, where there is an obvious <br /> hazard ; that the path income should be projected and in lieu payments <br /> should be accepted so that paths may be constructed in the future . <br /> Mayor Clayton mentioned the projection £or the Town' s population in ten <br /> years , and commented that the Town should plan ahead . He commented <br /> further that if the paths are not used, the designated easements would <br /> be planted by residents, and it is very difficult to obtain the ease- <br /> ments again. He felt that the paths should not be abandoned. <br /> Commissioner Hawley commented on subdivisions which are being approved <br /> which have no requirement for paths or road improvements because they <br /> lack frontage on a public road, stating that funds might be collected <br /> and could beused for paths in other areas. <br /> The City Attorney explained that money collected from a subdivider must <br /> be expended within the general area. <br /> Commissioner Hawley suggested that the Staff make a study of every road <br /> and recommend to the Planning Commission which side a path should be re- <br /> quired, and be prep-red to answer questions. <br /> In answer to Councilman Fowle 's inquiry relative to a plan for paths <br /> from the City Engineer, Mr, Whaley stated that this could be done . <br /> Mr. Salfen commented on the expense involved. <br /> Commissioner, su gested constructing paths within a one-mile radius from <br /> each school and adding roads that are heavily traveled and dangerous , <br /> and that the funds collected in the Path Fund for the next ten years be <br /> expended. <br /> Councilman Fowle commented that from an engineering standpoint , this <br /> plan would cost about $5000.00. He commented that the present planning <br /> has been a result of requests from people and from observations made , <br /> and that the enrineer would probably come up with about the same thing. <br /> Mr, Salfen disagreed with Mr. Hawley, <br /> Commissioner Bowler commented on Item I on the list , relative to use by <br /> equestrians using footpaths , and the problems of separate footpaths and <br /> horse trails, and stated that it does not turn out this way; that the <br /> statement is not correct, and that the two should be desegregated. <br /> Mr. Salfen commented that there many people who use the paths; that many <br /> of them walk to Los Altos , and cited one case where a lady pushes a baby <br /> carriage. He reported that the path system serving the Gardner Bullis <br /> School is almost completed, <br /> The Mayor suggested that the matter of paths be referred to the Council <br /> as a Committee of the Whole to study the problems. <br /> Councilman Fowle suggested that the City Clerk and the City Engineer <br /> ( I meet and discuss , and set a degree of priority of paths so that the <br /> Council will have such a complicated Plan to study. <br /> Ntk <br />
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