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-3- <br /> Byrd cont'd. <br /> proved , subject to Planning Commission' s recommendation. <br /> 3. Trumbull , Fred W. (238-62) 4 lots . Engr. John Riley. <br /> The Clerk said approval is desired of a resubdivision of Tract No . 2376, <br /> five lot subdivision, into 4 lots. One lot is to be acquired, by the <br /> State , for the Junipero Serra Freeway. <br /> :juestion was raised relative to the abandonment of the existing ease- <br /> ments , and whether the road should be public or private . <br /> It was the opinion of the Council that the road should be a private <br /> road. <br /> R=elative to drainage problems , the suggestion was made that the Im- <br /> provment Flans be presented prior to approval . <br /> ACTIO" : <br /> That the Tentative Nap of Fred W. Trumbull (238-62) 4 lots be ap- <br /> proved, subject to approval of all agencies with particular em <br /> phasis that the City Engineer is to approve the drainage plan. <br /> NOTION: Fowle ; SECOND: Henley; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br /> 4. Fretz-Ciceroni (240-62) 7 lots . Engr. John W. Riley. <br /> Relative to the request that consideration be given the Map , not on the <br /> printed Agenda, the following action was taken. <br /> ACTION : <br /> That the Fretz-Ciceroni Tentative Rap be placed on the Agenda. <br /> MOTIONS: Fowle ; SECOND: Henley; <br /> Relative to requirement for underground utilities , Mr. Riley stated <br /> that existing poles and easements can serve all the lotsi that Lot 7 <br /> may require an additional pole . <br /> Cost and possibility of having wire installed underground was discussed , <br /> and question of where responsibility would lie--with the subdivider or <br /> builder. The Attorney stated that the subdivider is responsible . <br /> The 'Attorney stated that if the Nap is approved , and the Ordinance re- <br /> quiring un?:erground utilities is not yet in effect , the subdivider is <br /> not liable for installing un%erground utilities . <br /> The question was called for. <br /> VOLT: raseed unanimously <br /> 'Recommendations of the Planning Commission were discussed with regard <br /> L. to paths , drainage , and road plan. <br />