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4 That the Boards approve the use of holding .ponds to <br /> store excess treated, chlorinated effluent during <br />• <br /> yet.. ;season peak flows so that smaller outfalls can <br /> be utilized. <br /> 5. That the Boards establish the required depth of water <br /> above the outfall diffusor, <br /> . That the Boards accept 5 ,0 mg/1 dissolved oxygen as <br /> a =permanent standard for the receiving waters of the <br /> Central Bay and that the Boards further accept a re- <br /> ceiving water toxicity requirement such that the <br /> survival of test fishes in 96-hour bioassays performed <br /> with :diluted tater consisting of one part effluent and <br /> nine parts Bay water (it is anticipated that the actual <br /> dilution in Bay would be at least 25) shall for any one <br /> sample show a 70% minimum survival and for the average <br /> of any three or more such consecutive samples collected <br /> over any 21 or more days show a 90% minimum survival. <br /> '7. . Are standards for storm waters entering the Bay through <br /> storm drains or flood control channels going to be <br /> established? <br /> 8 If all effluent from the Water Pollution Control Plants <br /> of the. South Bay dischargers were to be removed from the <br /> South Bay, evaporation and other water losses would <br /> exceed the inflow from the creeks along the South Bay <br /> during the summer. Under these conditions , waters from <br /> the Central Bay and the effluents discharged to the <br /> Central Bay would work their way back to the South Bay <br />