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-<-• <br /> Kenyon cont 'd. <br /> The City Attorney commented that the Council could accept a person- <br /> al bond, but that it was grrs-tion of policy. <br /> After further discussion, the matter was referred to the Council's <br /> Committee on Legal Affairs (Councilmen Henley and Clayton) . A re- <br /> commendation is to be submitted at the Council Meeting on Mar. 6th. <br /> 3. Consideration of Street Name Changes - A letter from Mrs. Joanne <br /> Wheeler Dunn was read, citing reasons and recommending that the <br /> name of W. Fremont Ave. be changed to 'Cow Hollow Road' . Mrs. <br /> Dunn was present , and asked that her recommendation be amended-- <br /> that the name be changed, but that other possible names be con- <br /> sidered. <br /> It was the consensus of the Council that a change in the names of <br /> W. Fremont Ave. , Elena Ave. , Taaffe Ave. , and others should be <br /> considered, for the purpose of continuity. <br /> Upon the recommendation of the City Clerk, the matter was referred <br /> to the Planning Commission to consider the changes in names of <br /> several roads in the Town, with the idea of establishing continuity. <br /> 4. Request for Annexation - H. E. Foley Property. <br /> Letter, dated Feb. 2011) from John Riley, was read recuesting the <br /> Council to direct the Planning Commission to consider the Tentative <br /> Map of H. E. Foley prior to annexation of the property to the Town. <br /> The City Clerk stated that the Tenative Filing Fees and Maps have <br /> been filed with the Town, and the Planning Commission has refused <br /> to consider the Map without the consent of the Council. He further <br /> stated that Petitions for Annexation have been received from Mr. <br /> Foley and Mr. Millard. <br /> Mr. Riley asked that the Council indicate its favor of this pro- <br /> posed annexation in order that a legal description can be written. <br /> Mr. Knox, realtor, representing the Foley property, answered quest- <br /> ions relative to possibility of adjacent property owners being in- <br /> cluded in the annexation. <br /> Relative to the improvement of Ravensbury avenue, the Council a- <br /> greed that improvement to Town Standards for the full width along <br /> Ravensbury fronting on properties abutting the Foley property, <br /> should be requi. ed. Mr. Knox was agreeable to this requirement. <br /> Councilmen consented to proceeding with the proposed annexation if <br /> the property owners abutting the Foley property, on Ravensbury <br /> Avenue, wish to be included and if the improvement to Ravensbury <br /> Avenue will be accomplished. <br /> The City Attorney stated that no formal action need be taken. <br /> Relative to the Planning Commission's consideration of the Tenta- <br /> tive Map of the Foley property, the following action was taken: <br />