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Roscoe eont'd. <br />The original map showed acc <br />'%r par-ceiti, with drivew�.ys. <br />t�,, stopped short of what i <br />to the f'lanning Commission. <br />Moody Road, and they Put a <br />by specifying non access. <br />-3-. <br />ess from Noody Road to about eight (8) <br />he cul-de-sac which fed the rear groper- <br />s now Unit i,�l. This was not acceptable <br />They wanted no driveways entering onto <br />restrictive easement around Moody Road <br />Mr. Roscoe pointed out the conditions of the County, stating that <br />he went along with them in order to get the subdivision underway. <br />He wanted to realign Adobe Creek to Moody Road, but the County did <br />not want this done. He stated that he was going to put in a normal <br />concrete culvert to take care of the water. The County then agreed <br />that the channel should be moved and required him to put in exten- <br />sive drainage facilities. <br />It was finally decided, by the Planning Commission, that due to the <br />facilities required to be put in, they would require no work to be <br />done on Moody :load. Shortly thereafter., the City 1attorney drew up <br />a bond, in which there was no consideration of any road improvements <br />and nobody mentioned any road improvements. Work was started on <br />that basis. The amount of the bond did not specify any off -tract <br />improvements. <br />The Mayor agreed that the bond was as.Mr. Roscoe had stated in that i <br />did not require road improvements. <br />Commissioner Tantau stated that the Committee did not see how the <br />Town could take any action. He further stated that the in -tract <br />improvements have not been accepted in Unit 71. ,He said the matter <br />of path, etc. for tale Unit are matter for the City Engineer. <br />Mr. Longmire was asked to cor ent on the in -tract improvements for <br />Unit #1. He stated that he had been called, by Mr. Roscoe, to <br />make an inspection, but found that street name signs and monuments <br />had not been installod. He further stated that he had informed Mr. <br />Roscoe that he would make an inspection after all improvements have <br />been made. Relative to engineering plans, Mr. Longmire said there <br />is no problem. <br />The City Clerk was asked for comments relative to the inconsistencies <br />He stated that he based his reasons for bringing this situation to <br />the attention of the Council on the fact that the subdivision was <br />approved subject to the conditions set forth by the County. He <br />:mentioned Item #13 of these provisions which specified improvement <br />of all roads fronting on the property. <br />Commissioner Tantau commented that the Planning Commission did not, <br />in any of its minutes, specifically mention Item #13 --that the <br />subdivider shall do all road requirements spelled out by the County, <br />and furt;.ier that there is no correspondence where there is any re- <br />quireme_it for this road work, He stated that in his opinion there <br />is no action required at this time. <br />Relative to the reauirements of the County at the time the subdivi- <br />sion was being processed, Pr. Roscoe stated that a ten (10) foot <br />dedication, and the improvement of this ten (10) foot section of <br />right-of-way was one of the conditions. <br />