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-4 - <br />The City Attorney commented. that the bond is very general, and is <br />4jr of no assistance in settling the problem. <br />Mr. Roscoe stated there is a road. agreement with the contractor, and <br />that the bond is the only agreement with the Town. <br />�Zuestions were asked Mr. Longmire: Is the amount of the bond equal <br />to the estimated cost of the total in -tract improvements? He an- <br />swered that the amount is about par with the improvements required. <br />Does the bond include the realignment and the box culvert? He an- <br />swered that it did not include the box culvert and realignment as <br />this work was done under the direction of the Santa Clira County <br />Flood Con':;rol District. <br />The City Clerk, being asked the status of Unit 12, stated that it <br />has not reached the Council because of certain map requirements <br />which have not been met, specifically the abandonment of S. El Monte. <br />Mr. Roscoe stated that he had talked with residents in the area, and <br />that some refuse to agree to the abandonment. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Engineer be informed that there is no evidence <br />to show that the subdivider, 'Jendell 11. Roscoe, was requested <br />to improve Moody Road adjacent to Unit #l, rink Horse Ranch. <br />MOTION: Sherlock; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />3. Willis, Richard (124-58) 3 lots. Engr. Brian. <br />The Mayor requested the Council to consider this item, although it <br />was not an item on the lgenda. <br />Mr. Willis was present, with Mr. Riley, Engineer. <br />Letter, dated November 1?, 1958 from Fremont Hills Development Co. <br />and signed by Pyr. William D. Coldiron, was read which recommended <br />that the Council grant the variance in consideration of the subdivi- <br />sion application. <br />Mr. Willis presented a letter signed by residents of the area.ex- <br />pressing approval. <br />Relative to action taken by the Planning Commission on November 15m, <br />Commissioner Holm stated that it was the consensus of the Commission <br />that it would be better to have a house on the corner than to'have <br />a lar -e parcel uncared for. He pointed out the main difference in <br />the situation now is that a house has been built on the lot at the <br />far end instead of in the center as was anticipated by the Planning <br />Commi ss- on. <br />+4W Mr. Riley stated that he had recomputed the acreage 'as .follows: <br />Lot #1, 1.003 acres, Lot ;;�2, 1.025, and Lot #3, which has a house <br />at the present time, is 0.986 acres. Nr. Riley said these figures <br />were computed with the dedication lines and the easement counted a <br />part of the net acreage. <br />