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_3_ <br />The Committee appointed, by u -he Pltayor, Commissioner Tantau, Coun- <br />cilman Sherlock and Mr. 1 graire, will meet with Nr. Roscoe. <br />The Council will consider the matter of t1.1e Covenant as a separate <br />issue at next meeting, but is free to relate to road improvements <br />if it so decides. <br />3 Faullus, Floyd (V-35-58) - Re -hearing on Application for Approval <br />of Building bite. <br />The Mlayor stated that the approval had. been denied at the previous <br />meeting on October 5t due to the fact that no one was present to <br />discuss the problem regarding the improvement of Page 17ill Road. <br />Mr. Paullus stated that the owner wanted the parcel approved as a <br />building site at this time; that he would be willing to dedicate <br />the necessary land for widening of Page Mill Road now, and would <br />agree to improve the road. at the time the property is subdivided, <br />but that he does not intend to subdivide immediately. <br />It was noted that Page I°Iill Road is an in -tract road and would. re- <br />quire full width improvement. <br />Following further discussion relative to possible re -alignment of <br />the road, the Mayor suggested that Mr. Faullus or the owner, and <br />his engineer meet with the City engineer and Councilman Clayton to <br />arrive at an agreemnt. Councilman Clayton will act as Chairman. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />1, San Antonio- ,` lma street Tinder ,lass - Consideration of Approval. <br />The City Clerk read a letter, dated October ?b, 1958 from John T. <br />O'Halloran, City r"anager of the City of Fountain View, requesting <br />that the Council consider the adoption of a resolution which would <br />in effect request that the Public Utilities Commission give favor- <br />able consideration for the installation. A sample resolution was <br />attached. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council adopt T�asol.ution 'To. 80, urging the rublic <br />Utilities Commission to establish as a. top priority for the <br />year 1959 the grade se.riara.tion of. San .Antonio Road and the <br />Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and Alma `street in the County <br />of manta Clara. <br />F10TION: Sherlock; S`ICOND: Clayton; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />2. Tremont Hills Development ComLan - Purissima .Avenue improvement. <br />Letter, dated October 14th, lyFB from Yr. Longmire, was read, stat- <br />ing that on the ipiprovement plans submitted for approval, no pro- <br />visions have been outlined for the improvement to the section of <br />rurissima _'.venue that lies adjacent to the Fremont Hills Country <br />Club. <br />The matter was referred to Mr. Longmire, Mr. Faisant, and P?r.. Cold - <br />iron for a _recommendation. <br />10-23-58 <br />