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-3- <br />%W 2. Monahan, Hugh L. - Improvement of South E1 Monte. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Monahan were present. <br />The Mayor gave a resume of the situation and stated th&t the main <br />concern is getting something done as soon as possible. <br />Mr. Colin Peters was present, representing property owners resid- <br />ing on South El Monte. (Davis, Going, and Edlund) Mr. Peters <br />stated that he wished the Town to use the ;$909 paid into the <br />Road Improvement Fund by him to improve South E1 Monte, and also <br />stated that the property owners have agreed to improve the part <br />of the road fronting their properties, Mr. Peters said he could <br />give a date when the work would be done, but surmised that the <br />residents of the area would probably take advantage of the use of <br />the equipment whenever it was in the vicinity. <br />Mr. Monahan agreed to pay an additional '$500 into the road fund <br />and said he would submit engineering plans drawn by his engineer. <br />to the Town at no cost. <br />The City Lngineer stated that the Town could build about 550 feet <br />of 36 width of road with the 32400 paid by Mr. Monahan and an add- <br />itional X500 to be paid by him. <br />It was agreed that the width of the road could be 181. Mr. Spain, <br />Chairman of the Planning Commission, suggested that there be an <br />adequate turnaround. <br />The Mayor requested that the City Attorney draft a resolution, <br />to be presented later during the meeting. <br />Other Items on the Agenda were considered. <br />3. Variances: <br />a) Keller. John J. (V-30-58) - Reduction of side setback to 1' <br />for carport. <br />Mr. Keller was present. <br />Chairman Spain explained the Planning Commission's initial <br />rejection of the variance, and stated that approval had been <br />recommended by the Planning Commission after Mr. Keller had <br />secured signatures of adjacent property owners approving the <br />granting of the variance, and submitted additional information <br />relating to land widths and construction in the neighborhood. <br />ACTION: <br />AW That the variance of John J. KellerV-30-58) for a re- <br />duction of side setback to one foot (1') for a carport be <br />approved. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Bledsoe; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />9-5-58 <br />