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-4 - <br />ACTION: Item L2 <br />That Item ;#2 be adopted with the amendment that the safety strip- <br />ing of a double line on 'gest Fremont from the Randell residence <br />No. 25441 continue to fifty (50) feet beyond Concepcion Avenue <br />with suitable breaks where required. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Clayton: VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />ACTION: Item <br />That Item #3 be adopted as submitted in the minutes of august <br />42, 1958 <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND:, -Bledsoe <br />VOTE: AYES: Bledsoe, Clayton, Treat, Mayor Fowle <br />NOES: Sherlock <br />,' BSXTT: None <br />ACTION: Item <br />That double safety striping be along the full length of Chapin <br />and Robleda Avenues to fifty (50) feet beyond Purissima with <br />suitable breaks as required., <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Fassed unanimously <br />3. Monahan, Hugh L. - Improvement of South E1 Monte. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Monahan were present. <br />A letter, dated August 12%, 1958, from the City Engineer and address4 <br />ed to George S. Nolte, engineer for the Monahans was read byy Mr. <br />Longmire. The letter was relative to Mr. Monahan's vroposal sub- <br />mitted to the Council on August 42, 1958. Mr. McCandless stated thk <br />the read proposed to be constructed by Mr. Monahan would not con- <br />form to the center line right of way, and further stated that, in <br />his opinion, the present ordinance does not apply to this subdiv- <br />ision since the road in question is a private one being offered <br />for dedication and is an in -tract road which should be paved for <br />the entire length which fronts the subdivision with paths construct- <br />ed for the full length of the road on the Monahan side. The letter <br />also stated that to property owners in the area, a path is highly <br />desirable. and that drainage features will have to be approved by <br />the Town. <br />Mr. Monahan explained that the road has been dedicated to the Town <br />and is now a public road, and stated that he is going by the'Pro- <br />visions of Ordinance ##45. He further stated that the neighbors <br />across the street were agreeable to improving the road, but did <br />not know when they would get around to improving their portion of <br />road. <br />Mr. Monahan asked if in the event that he left his $2400 in the <br />improvement fund or if he'.met requirements of Ordinance #45 in pav- <br />ing ()i) one-half or the width of the road for 68' per eight lots <br />or 544 feet, would he be assured of a building site and would he <br />8-22-58 <br />