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•-5- <br />be relieved of future responsibility of the road. He mentioned that <br />there are erosion problems. <br />The Mayor answered that he could not commit a future Council. <br />Mrs. Monahan stated that they are anxious to get the road paved. <br />A five minutes recess was called by the Mayor, after which Council- <br />man Bledsoe summarized the situation and the Council concurred that <br />the Engineer's recommendation should be followed. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Sherlock that the City Engineer's <br />recommendation be accepted, but died for lack of a Second when it <br />was determined that the City Attorney was of the opinion that the <br />road has been dedicated to the Town and is an off -tract peripheral <br />road. <br />ACTION: <br />That the :patter be referred urgently to the City Engineer <br />with the request that he make further recommendations due to <br />new disclosures brought out at this meeting. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Clayton; <br />VOTE: AYES: Clayton, Treat,.Sherlock, Mayor Fowle <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAINED: Bledsoe <br />ABSENT: None <br />4. Fremont Hills Development Company - Drainage Plan.' <br />Discussion and action was deferred until the next meeting of the <br />Council on September 2nd, 1958. <br />NEW BU ILNESS : <br />1. Petition - Requesting acceptance of Prospect Avenue, LaLoma Drive <br />and .Uai o -ma Court. <br />None of the ;petitioners were present, <br />The Mayor stared that there is a question of whether the Town has <br />legal jurisdiction over Prospect Avenue, and instructed the Deputy <br />City Clerk to notify the signers of the petitioners that action <br />was deferred to the next meeting. <br />2. VariaucPs: <br />X911,er .Joan J. (V-30-58). Request for addition of carport with one <br />foot side setback. <br />There was no representative present from the Planning Commission <br />to explain the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval <br />after having previously been rejected. <br />8-21-58 <br />