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0 <br />-3- <br />3. (a) Install "Stop" sign on 'Jest Fremont for northbound <br />traffic at Edith Avenue. <br />(b) Install a "Slow to 20 Miles" sign with an intersection <br />sign on 'Jest Premont for southbound traffic at Edith <br />Avenue. <br />4. (a) Provide "One 'Jay Only" sign on Altos Avenue between <br />Burke and Wiest !"remont for northbound traffic with ap- <br />propriate signing. <br />(b) Provide "One Way Only" sign on West Fremont between <br />Altos and Burke for southbound traffic, with necessary <br />signing at intersection of Dearfield for safe flow. <br />5. (a) Install "Slow to 20 Miles" sign with left curve sign on <br />Chapin Avenue for southbound traffic. <br />(b) Install ""Slow to 20 Miles" sign with right curve sign <br />on Burke Avenue for westbound traffic. <br />(c) Install "No Thru.Street" sign on westerly side of Chapin <br />Avenue for westbound Burke Avenue traffic. <br />In addition to above, the following Safety Striping is recommended: <br />1. Double line on Burke Avenue from Adobe Creek Bridge westerly <br />to Burke Circle. <br />2. Double line on Wsst Fremont from Randall residence, No. 25441 <br />to Edith Avenue. <br />3. Double line on Edith Avenue from .dobe Creek Bridge to West <br />Fremont. <br />4. Continue existing double line on [,Test Fremont westerly from <br />Miranda Avenue an additional 200 feet. <br />Following discussion, action was deferred until such time as the <br />residents in the area proposed for one-way traffic are notified of <br />the Council's intent to act on these recommendations. <br />TEV - US..13ESS <br />Tentative Map referrals from the Planning Commission. <br />a) Taaffe, Martin J. (115--58) - 3 lots. Engr. Nolte. <br />ACTION <br />That the Council approve the tentative map of Martin J. Taaffe <br />(115-58) 3 lots. <br />MOTION: Sherlock; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />Final Maps: <br />a) Stonebrook Acres (85-57) - 17 lots.' Tract 1724. Engr. Brian. <br />Mr. John Riley, engineer, was present. <br />8-11-58 <br />