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-4- <br />Stonebrook _"Leres cont'd. <br />The map was approved with Priscilla Vane being 30 feet in <br />width, with provision that at the time of the Rogers division, <br />the additional 20 feet will be gained to bring the right of way <br />width up to 50 feet. <br />A('TION: <br />That the Council approve the final map of Stonebrook Acres <br />(85-57) Tract 1724 of 17 lots. <br />MOTION: Sherlock; SECOND: Bledsoe; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />b) Belenky, Lucas ,&*Elise -(112-58) 2 lots. Engr. Brian. <br />Mr. Longmire mentioned the fact that Lot #1 of this subdivision <br />is less than an acre. <br />Councilman Sherlock stated that it could be approved being a <br />conditional exception. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council approve the Belenky final map (112-58) 2 <br />lots noting that lot ;y`•1 is a conditional exception. <br />MOTION: Sherlock; SECOND: Clayton; VOTE: Fassed unanimously <br />c) Knupfer, Genevieve (107-58) - 2 lots. gr. Reinoehl. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council -approve the final map of Genevieve Knupfer <br />(107-58) 2 lots. <br />MOTION: Clayton; SECOND: Bledsoe; VOTE: Passed unanimousl. <br />2. Road Improvement - Hugh L. Monahan. Deferred from Announcements. <br />Letter stating the two proposals was reviewed and explained by the <br />City Engineer. <br />After discussion it was the concensus of the Council that the mat- <br />ter should be referred to the City Attorney for his opinion and be <br />discussed at the next Council Meeting on August 180, 1958. <br />ORDINANCES: <br />I. Ordinance #48 - Fixing the amount of revenue from property taxes <br />deemed necessary to pay the indebtedness of the City and support <br />its departments for the current year. <br />The Ordinance was read in its entirety by the City Clerk. <br />8-11-58 <br />