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-3 - <br />Mr. Riley displayed and explained a reproduction of a Coast Geodetic <br />' Survey Map showing the contribution of water in the watershed of <br />which Fremont Hills subdivision is a part. <br />After discussion and various proposals, the following action was <br />taken. <br />ACTION: <br />That the report of the Town Engineer, dated July 3, 1958, in <br />the matter of Fremont Hills Development Oompany out -,of -tract <br />drainage be approved, and that the 30/36 inch pipeline re- <br />quired is to be installed, and one (1) 4'x6' concrete box cul- <br />vert under West Fremont Avenue in front of Unit #1 to be con- <br />structed, with a refunding agreement to be arrived at to spread <br />this cost among the other land owners or developers in the <br />watershed when their land is subdivided. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Bledsoe; <br />ROLL CALL: :AYES: Sherlock, Treat, Deputy Mayor Bledsoe <br />NOES: None <br />ABS1, T: Clayton, Mayor Fowle <br />2. Traffic Survey Report - Edith -West Fremont, Altos -Burke, and Burke - <br />Chapin Intersections, <br />The report was deferred. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />T. J. Pacchetti Division of Two Lots - Petition by -Engineer L. G. Brian <br />or re ie rom storm- drainage re-qu rements. <br />Mr. John Riley represented Mr. Pacchetti. <br />The City Clerk explained that the City Engineer recommends that the <br />subdivider meet the requirement of the Flood Control District. <br />Mr. Riley requested that some relief be provided in the form of a per <br />lot fee, stating that the estimated cost of storm drainage would be a - <br />about $3000 which is out of proportion to the value of the two lot sub- <br />division. <br />ACTION: That the petitioi. be denied. <br />MOTION: Sherlock; SECOND: Treat; <br />ROLL C.UL: AYES: Sherlock, Treat, Deputy Mayor Bledsoe <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Clayton, Mayor Fowle <br />7-10-58 <br />