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-3 - <br />and )i culvert at Fremont ,nO St. Francis Drive. <br />rr. Fitzpatrick stated that he did not think that Fremont Hills is <br />legally bound to put in a culvert on the other side of the road, <br />because according to their engineers, they are only responsible <br />for about 20510 of the water. <br />The clarification was made that the City Engineer recommended the <br />installation of 'r, culverts at Vest Fremont and Concepcion inter- <br />section, and at West Fremont and St. Francis Drive or one complete <br />culvert at i4est Fremont and St. Francis Drive. <br />Following a lengthy discussion and the making of several motions <br />which were subsequently withdrawn, the following action was taken: <br />ACTION: <br />That the matter of disposal of the excess run-off and the set- <br />ting of dates for beginning and completion of off -tract and <br />drainage improvements of the Fremont Hills Development Com- <br />pany be tabled until the meeting of the Council of July 70, <br />1958, and that the City Clerk be instructed to request the <br />City Engineer to submit a formal report in writing. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Clayton; <br />ROLL CALL: .:1YES: Deputy Mayor Bledsoe, Councilmen Clayton, <br />Treat, Sherlock <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Mayor Fowle <br />MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:38 P. 11. <br />NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Monday, July Tbq 1958 at 7:45 F. M. at the Town <br />Hall, 26379 west Fremont Avenue, Los Altos Hills. <br />*' <br />j 1M.. <br />7-2-58 <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />PAUL W. SALFEN <br />City Clerk <br />