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-4 - <br />ACTION: <br />AW That beginning the following fiscal year, 1958-59, the Cit -- <br />Treasurer be asked to submit a written report and review of <br />the Budget standing of each quarter thereafter. <br />MOTION: Treat; SECOND: Rothwell <br />ROLL C_'LLL: AYES: Bledsoe, Clayton, Rothi.>>ell, Treat, 1 ayor <br />Vowle <br />NOES: '.`Tone <br />ABSENT: TTone <br />Councilman Rothwell commented that it is now time to begin pre- <br />paration of the 'iudget for 1958-59. <br />5. Determination of Regular Meeting of the Council. <br />The Mayor suggested that the Council set the first and third i"on--- <br />days as regular meeting days. <br />It was pointed out that the first T"onday was set by a resolution, <br />and suggestion was made that a "Gentlemen's agreement" be made to <br />adjourn meetings to the third Monday. <br />Discussion ended with the Clerk being instructed to have a reso- <br />lution drawn setting the first and third Mondays for regular <br />meetings. <br />6. Resignation of Police Chief Litchfield. Letter, dated April 16b, <br />1958 from Mayne L. Litchfield, was read informing the Council of <br />his resignation. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council accept, with regret, the resignation of <br />Mr. Litchfield. <br />MOTION: Bledsoe; SECOND: Treat; <br />Air EJTDED : Rothwell; <br />That the Council express its thanks to Mr. Litchfield for his <br />having given his service to the Town. <br />VOTE: Fassed unanimously <br />%. Appointment of Police Chief. Clayton J. Smith. <br />The Mayor appointed Clayton J. Smith Chief of Police. <br />U. ACTION: Treat; SECOND: Bledsoe <br />