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...4 - <br />ACTION., <br />That the one (1) lot subdivision of E, C. Cooley (9457) be <br />approved. <br />MOTION: Hoefler; SECOND: Rothwell; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />ORDINANCES;- <br />1. <br />RDINANCES:1. Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance. <br />A question was raised by Mr. Fred Gutt regarding Section 1:20. <br />ACTION: <br />That Section 1:20 of Ordinance x#35 be amended in its fifth line <br />to read "held to be the minimum requirements etc." <br />MOTION: Rothwell; SECOND: Hoefler; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Councilmen Hoefler, Rothwell, Mayor Treat <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmen Bledsoe, Fowle <br />2. Ordinance ff42 Billboards and Signs. <br />Letter was read from Mr. William Geer, President of the Los Altos <br />Hills Association presenting a resolution by the Association re- <br />garding Ordinance ##42. <br />It was agreed that the adoption of this Ordinance be deferred pend- <br />ing further study of the Ordinance, and consultation with the City <br />Attorney, Mr. Geer, and Mr. Evans in regard to freeway landscaping <br />as related to the State OutdoorAdvertising Act. <br />3. Ordinance #+ - First Reading. Repealing, Ordinance #41 and amend- <br />ng�aancet#39. <br />The City Clerk read the title of Ordinance ##43. <br />ACTION - <br />That further reading of Ordinance ;x`43 be waived. <br />171TION: Rothwell; SECOND: Hoefler; <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Councilmen Hoefler, Rothwell, Mayor Treat <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmen Bledsoe, Powle <br />M <br />