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"26 - <br />NOES: None <br />.ABSENT t Mayor Treat <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />1.. Mrs. Irma Goldsmith - Explained plans for Yule Party for the <br />Town o tos A'. os ills. <br />Mrs. Goldsmith explained that all residents of the Town are in- <br />vited to a Yule Party to be held Sunday, December 22nd, 1957, 3 PM, <br />in the Town Hall. Everyone is welcome. <br />Everyone is asked to come to the Party with a wrapped gift for a <br />boy or girl of any age which will be given to the Santa Clara <br />County Welfare to be distributed to some 900 children under <br />County Welfate. Mrs. Goldsmith stated that any item will be <br />welcome --clothing, used toys, bicycles, baby buggies, etc. <br />Anyone wishing to make donations for the party is call <br />Mrs. Goldsmith at WH -8-2487. Donations of food, decorations, <br />money, etc. are being accepted <br />The suggestion that the teen-agers in the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />be permitted to have a dancing party during the Holiday Season <br />was presented by Mrs. Goldsmith, requesting the Council's con- <br />sideration. <br />ACTION: <br />That the City Council approve the use of the Town Hall under <br />appropriate regulation for a party by a teenage group in the <br />Town to be scheduled persuant to the recomtendation of the <br />Committee to be appointed by the Mayor. <br />MOTION: Bledsoe; SECOND:, Hoefler; VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />Committee for the party: Mrs. Goldsmith, Councilman Fowle, and, <br />Deputy Mayor Rothwell. <br />2. Oscar Holm - Appointed to the Planning Commission. <br />ACTION: <br />That Mr. Oscar Holm be appointed as a member of the Planning <br />Commission. <br />MOTION: Fowle; SECOND: Bledsoe: VOTE: Passed unanimously <br />36 Variance: <br />Fremont Hills_ Development Coagnny - Request for permit for Country <br />C ub ." <br />Commissioner Dawson reported the recommendation of the rlanning <br />Commission stating that the Commission had approved the use, with <br />the condition that plans for the specific operation will be pre- <br />sented later for approval. <br />