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-3- <br />ACTION: <br />That a speed limit of 25 MPH be established on Moody Road in <br />AW the area between the Costello residence, 25750 Moody Road and <br />the.main entrance to the Adobe Creek Lodge, the placing of a <br />double white line throughout the length of the three (3) <br />curves in the area, and the placing of an "S" curve sign at <br />the approach to the area, both east and gest ends. <br />MOTION: Rothwell; SECOIsTD: Hoefler <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Mayor Treat, Bledsoe, Fowle, Hoefler, Rothwell <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />3. §Reed LJg1t f ?I MPH - Stonebrook and Magdalena Avenues. <br />ACTION: <br />That the Council recind its action in reference to the estab- <br />lishment of the 15 MPH speed limit on Stonebrook and Magdalena, <br />and by this resolution, establish a 25 MPH speed limit cover- <br />ing the same area where the 15 MPH speed limit was previously • <br />established. <br />MOTION: Bledsoe; SECOND: Hoefler <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Mayor Treat, Bledsoe, Fowle, Hoefler, Rothwell <br />NOES: Noes <br />ABSENT: Done <br />4. Record of Surve-Y <br />a) E. C. CooleZ - (90-57) 1 lot - Engr. Wolff. Approved by <br />Flanni$g"�ommission,' September 21, 19570 <br />ACTION: <br />That the Record, of Survey of E. C. Cooley (90-57) 1 lot, <br />be approved by the Council subject to terms and conditions <br />as outlined by the Planning Commissions. <br />MOTION: Hoefler;, SECOND** Rothwell <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Mayor Treat, Bledsoe, Fowls, Hoefler, <br />Rothwell <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />