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-J- <br />4 1 be 3. Budget - Presented by Councilman Foyle <br />Due to several errors on the typed conies of the Budget Report, <br />the Budget will be on the agenda for the meeting of wept. 23rd of <br />the Council. "In the meantime, corrected -copies will be available. <br />4. Road Commissioner Hibner - Edith Avenue Bridge. <br />ACTION: <br />Road Commissioner Hibner be authorized to negotiate with <br />Mr. Ahlgren, City Engineer of Los Altos, concerning the re- <br />pair of Bridge on T:dith Avenue in accordance with the low bid <br />and also taking into consideration the relative length of the <br />repair on either side of the bridge. <br />MOTION: Rothwell; SECOND: Towle <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Mayor Treat, Fowle, Bledsoe, �oefler, <br />Rothwell <br />ITOES : None <br />5. Road Commissioner Hibner '- Stop Signs as requested by.petitions.. <br />The following individuals appeared before the Council with <br />reference to stop signs as requested by petitions submitted by <br />property owners: i ft. Simrell, Chief of Police Litchfield, <br />Dr. Boice, Mrs. Wood, Attorney Bullis. <br />ACTION: <br />The Town Attorney, the Road Commissioner, and the Chief of <br />Police be authorized to make a new and thorough investigation <br />as to the best course of action at the intersection of <br />Oneonta and Stonebrook. <br />MOTION: Rothwell; SECOND: Fowle <br />ROLL CALL: AY S: Mayor Treat, Powle, Bledsoe, Hoefler,_ <br />Rothwell <br />NOES: ?`Tone <br />6. Chief of Police Litchfield - Extra policing for $500. <br />Chief of Police Litchfield gave report on number of arrests and <br />accidents. He stated that Sheriff Hawley refused the $500 voted <br />for extra policing because we are entitled by existing; contract <br />to all service that would be needed. <br />% Ordinance:'�39 - Fees on Drainage & Roads. <br />Upon reading the title of Ordinance #39 by the City Clerk, <br />further reading was waived. <br />ACTION: <br />That any further reading of Ordina-,�ce #39 be waived. <br />