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-3- <br />2. BuildinR Trades Council - Joint Resolution with <br />entra Labor CouneI , signed Walter L. Jones, Pre- <br />sident, and Earl A. Hoorhead, Secretary. <br />This resolution requested thet when vacancies occur <br />on any Commissions, that Labor candidates be considered, <br />Tatter of acknowledgment will be forwarded to the <br />Central Labor Council expressing the Council's <br />agreement with the Resolution in principle. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />1. Freeway Committee Report - J.M. Fowle <br />Councilman Fowle, also Chairman of the Freeway Committee, <br />reported on the sequence of events occurring in regard <br />to the Freeway. <br />Meeting, Mal Oma, 1952, Town Hall, at which were <br />present two 'representatives from Engineering Division <br />and one Right -of -Way Agent from State Division of <br />Highways, and held an open forum. Mr. Jack Benjamin, <br />reporting on an informal poll conducted by the Los Altos <br />Hills Association: 75% A -B -route; 251/6 high -valley; .5/ <br />Blue. Mr. Fowle stated the majority of the discussion <br />consisted of q�uestions to State representatives. <br />Meeting, May 17� �, Stanford University, called <br />by Mayor o� Los Altos, Irving L. Atkinson. Repre- <br />sentatives from Division of Highways met with Mayors, <br />Chairmen of Planning Commissions and City Managers <br />of most of the cities in the area. In summarizing <br />this meeting, Councilman Fowle statedthat with a few <br />exceptions the opinions of the various communities were <br />qualified in such a way that a mutually acceptable solution <br />is entirely possible. Also, +-hat there was almost complete <br />disregard foa a high-level route. <br />Meeting, M��a�y� 17 1957, also called by Mayor Atkinson <br />o rang fog ' oef ericials from Los Altos and Los <br />Altos Hills. Press was present. This meeting was <br />considered a dead -lock, and little compromise re- <br />sulted. However, the two cities have agreed to further <br />meeting. <br />Resolution prepared by Four Assemblymen and T Senators: <br />hhis-ILesolution proposed the endorsement of essen- <br />tially the Purissima Valley route, and requested <br />the State Highway Commission accept this route and <br />forget about the others. The Town of Los Altos Hills <br />felt this Resolution was interferring with the <br />democratic process of public hearings and procedure <br />clearly set forth by the Highway Act, and negotia- <br />tions currently being carried on between neighboring <br />cities. <br />Senator Thompson, Assemblyman Clark Bradley, and <br />Assemblyman Bruce Allen were contacted by telegram <br />and resulted in a promise to withdraw Resolution. <br />-3- <br />