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-5 - <br />Company would like to construct a sewer to serve <br />approximately 150 lots to the City of Los Altos sewer <br />system. Fremont Hills would p,-) the total cost and <br />subsequently charge a fee for future connections to <br />the trunk line. Therefore, there would be a "per - <br />connection" valuation. <br />b) Charles McCandless, City E Sineer, stated that any <br />system should become the property of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills. He also suggested a Sewer Maintenance <br />District which has the power to enforce, maintain, <br />and tax, but does not do the actual sewer construction. <br />This would be the simplest as far as the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills is concerned. <br />c) Larr Brian, Civil. _E_ngin_eer$ Fremont Hills Development <br />stated7hey w�would rather use septic tanks <br />but can more effectively develop land if connected <br />to a sewer system. <br />It was pointed out that 'effective use of land' <br />meant the development of more lots, as the Health <br />Department will approve approximately 50% fewer <br />lots if serviced by septic tanks. <br />d) Mr. Estell, vice -mayor, City of Los Altos, stated <br />tie mamaain nterest in this project by the City of <br />Los Altos is that the addition of 150 connections <br />would ease the cost burden for the processing plant <br />to the taxpayers of Los Altos. <br />NOTES: The next meeting of the City Council of the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills will hold a continuance <br />of the open discussion concerning the proposed <br />sewer connection from the Fremont Hills <br />subdivision to the City of Los Altos. <br />MEETING ADJOURNED: 11:30 P.M. <br />NEXT MEETING: May 6, 1957, 7:45 P.M., Town Hall, <br />26379 West Fremont, Los Altos Hills. <br />SIDNEY W. TREAT <br />Mayor <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />H.G. {� AT sty Clerk <br />City Clerk <br />-5- City Council <br />April 22, 1957 <br />