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-4- <br />8. Intersection of hest Fremont &. Conception: Part of the <br />J.. J <br />t owle subdivision 34- )7 ee!C-ative n.ap dated March <br />4, 1957. <br />This matter was referred to Charles McCandless, City <br />0 61 Engineer, with a request that he supply a detailed map <br />on this intersection which will be forwarded to the <br />��` Town Attorney for specific action on acquisition of <br />land for improving the intersection. <br />9. Gifts: <br />A gift in the amount of $1,054.63 was made to the <br />Town of Los Altos Hills from Martin Taaffe for grading <br />and rocking parking area, which has already been <br />completed. The City Council very gratefully accepted <br />this gift. <br />The Los Altos Nursery has also donated $100.00 worth of <br />trees to the Town Hall. <br />=0. Bills: Report by Councilman Rothwell. Total $348.21. <br />ACTION: <br />These bills be approved for payment and the City Clerk <br />be authorized to draw the necessary warrants for payment. <br />Motion: Rothwell; Second: Fowle; Vote: Passed <br />ROLL CALL: AYES: Mayor Treat, Councilmen Rothwell, <br />Fowle, Bledsoe, Hoefler. <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSENT: None. <br />11. Serving of Writ of Mandamus: <br />The City Council was served with a Writ of Mandamus <br />asking that Ordinance #19 be repealed unless an <br />election is called. The Town Attorney answered that <br />the Writ of Mandamus be returnable by April 22, 1957• <br />1?, Possible Ordinance on Requiring; Permit to Cut Pavement: <br />ACTION: <br />The City Attorney be instructed to prepare a suitable <br />ordinance on the question of cutting into the pavement <br />of the Town streets. <br />Motion: Fowle; Second: Bledsoe; Vote: Passed. <br />13. Sims for the Town of Los Altos Hills: <br />ACTION: <br />A committee be appointed of Councilman Hoefler, <br />