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I <br />-5-► <br />0 a contribution toward the cost of drainage construction. The <br />%W City Engineer was present and gave a report of the drainage <br />situation to the City Council. He stated, "From an <br />engineering standpoint, I believe the drainage system as <br />designed will handle the water adequately." Mr. Roscoe <br />was present and stated that in the County and other <br />cities, assistance is given to defray the drainage costs <br />when high land run off crosses lower land. The Council <br />agreed there are two problems involved: 1) Long range <br />policy decisions and 2) Immediate decisions on specific <br />maps. <br />Motion: Bledsoe; Second: Hoefler; Vote: Approved <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />That the Record of Survey of the Lind property be approved <br />subject to the condition that Mr. Lind enter into an <br />agreement to be prepared by the Town Attorney, whereby he agrees <br />to pay a sum to be fixed by the City Engineer as his proportion- <br />ate contribution to a fund that will be later used as a pro- <br />rated distribution from this fund to the property owners <br />who contributed, in proportion to water drainage coming <br />from their property. The details will be prepared by <br />the City Attorney and will be presented to the property <br />'fir owner, Mr. Lind, for signature. Carried voice vote. <br />2. Nathan Boartz (44-56) Engineer: Pearson <br />Motion: Fowle; Second: Hoefler; Vote: Approved <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Move the approval of the Nathan Boartz map subject to the <br />same conditions as set forth for the Lind property. Carried voice <br />vote. <br />3, D. F. Tuttle (20-56) Engineer: Reinoehl <br />Motion: Fowle; Second: Bledsoe; Vote: Approved <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Move the approval of the D.F. Tuttle map subject to the <br />same conditions as set forth for the Lind property. <br />Carried voice vote. <br />Mr. Tuttle stated that he would agree to sign an agreement <br />as outlined by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />as to drainage responsibility, if any, and that if upon <br />presentation of such agreement to him he refused to sign <br />the same, that all work or construction would immediately <br />cease and necessary steps c6uld be taken by the city Jr. <br />authorities to require cessation, ��• <br />f"' <br />-5- <br />