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3rd Meeting: To come up with suggestion on the <br />problems of feasibility and <br />desirability of designating truck <br />routes. <br />(16) City Clerk Paulman read the committee's <br />report of recommendation to the city council <br />on the investigation of feasibility and desirability of <br />truck routes. <br />(17) Councilman Fowle commented on tentative <br />offers made by the truckers and asked for <br />further information on this matter. <br />(18) Mr. Herman Mager representing Sondgroth <br />Bros. was opposed to a trucking fee or <br />a toll road for use of roads; maintenance of roads would <br />have to be explored further and no answer could be given <br />at this time for lack of information. <br />(19) Councilman Dungan moved that the city <br />council authorize the City Engineer <br />to obtain the services of a consulting engineer of the <br />State Division of Highways to outline specifications for <br />suitable roads to handle large trucks at various frequen- <br />cies and include all safety features, seconded by Council- <br />man Rothwell and was adopted by the following vote: <br />AYES: Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowles Rothwell, Treat <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />UO) Mayor Treat authorized Councilman Bledsoe $409000 <br />to make a formal reguest to the County Appropria- <br />Board of Supervisors regarding the $40.,000 appropriation tion <br />for repair of El Monte which was transferred and used for <br />flood damage. <br />(21) Dr. Floyd of Stonebrook Avenue is against <br />the establishment of Stonebrook and E1 <br />Monte as truck routes. <br />(22) Councilman Dungan suggested a study session • <br />routes. of full council in establishing truck <br />(23) Emergency Ordinance No. 18 was presented Emergency <br />and read in its entirety by City Attorney Ord. 18 <br />Bullis in reference to control of dogs and canines and Dogs and <br />adopted on motion of Mayor Treat, seconded by Councilman Canines Con - <br />Bledsoe by the following vote: trol <br />AYES: Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowles Rothwell, Treat <br />NOES: None <br />Absent: None <br />Council Minutes <br />_ 3 _ 7_9_56 <br />