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the Purissima school on Thursday, June 21st, at 7:45 P. M. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Dungan that Ordi- <br />nance No. 17 be read by title only and that further reading <br />be deferred. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Councilman Dungan read part of Ordinance No. 17, <br />Articles 11, 12, 13, 14, also subsection (e), referring to <br />trucks and moved Ordinance No. 17 for adoption, seconded by <br />Councilman Rothwell and was opened for discussion. <br />Councilman Fowle stated that he felt that this was <br />no time to pass this ordinance, and would like further time <br />()R () 11 <br />for study of the Road Committee. Councilman Dungan recommended <br />that this be passed as read including the amendment to Ordi- <br />nance No. 17 allowing truckers 120 days to complete their con- <br />tracts they now have. Councilmen Rothwell and Bledsoe both <br />commented favorably on the passage of the ordinance as read and <br />stated that if any changes were to be made in the future, this <br />ordinance could be amended. <br />Comments from the floor were in order and Mrs. Wood, <br />on Stonebrook Avenue, advised that residents in that area were <br />very much in favor of passing the ordinance. Mr. Baxter re- <br />commended the passage of the ordinance -with speed limits cut to <br />10 miles per hour on Stonebrook from Prospect to E1 Monte, <br />Mr. H. W. Hoppe, a contractor on Stonebrook and E1 Monte, favored <br />the passage of Ordinance No. 17. <br />Upon call of the roll, Ordinance No. 17 was passed and <br />- 2 - 6-20-56 <br />