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b <br />On motion made by Councilman Bledsoe, secondeq by Councilman oth- <br />well, further reading of this Ord±hance was waived <br />caet}�P Tn__-�"-T ^' L- and passed this 5th day <br />of May, 195 by the fIollowin vc e <br />AYE $led e, Dungan, Fowle and Rothwell <br />NOE�, No <br />ABSENT: Teat <br />A motion was made by Councilman Fowle and seconded by Councilmant4., g <br />Bledsoe that the _city council approve the garbage contract a$,-laot <br />T - - �"3rS— a a� -ai- - _ _> > by the <br />following vote; <br />AYES: Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowle and Rothwell <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Treat <br />Co1ancilman Bledsoe reported on insurance for the chief <br />of police and stated that insurance can only be obtained through <br />Lloyds of London at an estimated figure of $75.00 to 125.00. After <br />disnussion, a motion was made by Councilman Rothwell and seconded <br />by Councilman Fowle that the ci y 40- <br />il d take the <br />:�Z T6 <br />binder for the chief of police until rep& Vrates of insurance <br />can be obtained. Motion carried. <br />Vice Mayor Dungan presented Chief of Police McKenna a <br />badge as the first Chief of Police of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />- 2 - 5-5-56 <br />