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There was a discussion on the problems of littering. <br />Mr. Martinelli commented on enforcing a city ordinance on such <br />a misdemeanor. Vice Mayor Dungan directed Chief of Police McKenna <br />to investigate as to what kind of special citation, other than <br />traffic, can be issued. A suggestion was made by Councilman <br />Bledsoe on obtaining signs to prevent littering. City Attorney Bullis <br />was directed by Viee Mayor Dungan to inquire about jurisdiction <br />on littering. Mr. Simrell suggested having deputies on riding <br />trails. Vice Mayor Dungan advised Mr. Simrell to confer with <br />Sheriff Hawley on this matter. <br />property. <br />There was also a discussion of target shooting on private <br />City Attorney Bullis was directed to investigate other <br />penalties besides 30 days in jail plus fines. <br />Mr. Darwin Tielhet appeared before the city council in <br />regard to a request for him to deed 10 ft. of his property on <br />Miranda Avenue to the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1was moved for adoption by Councilman <br />Rothwe llecotde� d pyCouncilman Jowle and passed amending he� <br />record of survey mayappro ed by the council on April 17, 1956, in <br />accordance with the recommendation of the planning commission, by <br />the following vote: <br />AYES: Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowle and Rothwell <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Treat <br />5-5-56 <br />