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n <br />1. Contracting with the county to maintain roads as they <br />have done in the past within the funds available to us. <br />They have included some major improvements such as <br />E1 Monte carrying traffic as a whole instead of just <br />the local area. This was done for the benefit of <br />businesses which are paying considerable county taxes. <br />2. Contracting with a local or private contractor for <br />individual maintenance job or taking the entire main- <br />tenance job for a period of time. All improvements <br />would be done'by written approval. Overhead would <br />probably amount to 25 per cent of the total expenditure <br />which does not include labor. Labor and material cost <br />would be about equal. The only problem is the question <br />of labor which includes supervision and direction. <br />Actual maintenance is a minor item of the total expendi- <br />ture. An alternative would be to have the contractor <br />furnish his own trucks and manpower and maintain the <br />roads under our supervision and jurisdiction. <br />3. Establishing a department of our own for road work where- <br />by the Town would either lease or buy equipment and doing <br />its own work with a one-man road crew using a multipurpose <br />truck. Rough estimates were made on cost of labor, ma- <br />terial and equipment to be used by the committee. There <br />is also a possibility that the latter two methods can be <br />combined. <br />Mr. Rothwell asked if there were any check figures <br />available on what the county spent and breakdown of the budget <br />on maintenance of the roads. Mr. Macabee, Mr. Gardner and <br />Mr. Hibner presented various county cost estimates to determine <br />our own maintenance and improvement cost. The county is not <br />required to break down their maintenance and construction costs. <br />In summary of how the 29.6 miles of streets and roads in Los <br />Altos Hills might be maintained, Vice Mayor Dungan extended his <br />thanks in behalf of the council for the background work of the <br />road committee. <br />- 4 - 3-26-56 <br />