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was moved by Mr. Bledsoe and seconded by Mr. Rothwell accept- <br />ing the insurance offered by the Pacific Indemnity Company at <br />a premium of $406.07 with the understanding that Pacific In- <br />demnity Company will not require an audit after exploration <br />of coverage for one year except with reference to city -owned <br />automobiles and equipment that may be acquired during the policy <br />term. Motion carried unanimously. <br />On the recommendation of City Attorney Bullis, bonds <br />amounting to $1000 each at a premium of $5.00 each were obtained <br />for City Clerk Paulman and City Treasurer Lovett as required <br />by law. He also directed City Clerk Paulman to post notices <br />for the April 10th election. <br />After a general discussion, it was moved by Mr. Fowle <br />and seconded by Mr. Rothwell that one voting precinct would be <br />sufficient to cover Los Altos Hills designated as Consolidated <br />Precinct A at Purissima School off Robleda Avenue. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Ordinance No. 7 was presented for the second reading. <br />It was moved by Mr. Dungan, seconded by Mr. Bledsoe and passed <br />that title only be read. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance <br />No. 7 was moved for adoption by Mr. Fowle and seconded by <br />Mr. Rothwell. Upon call of the roll, it was adopted and passed <br />by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowle, Rothwell and Treat <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />- 2 - 2-14-56 <br />