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IM <br />Mr. Dungan suggested that a mimeographed procedure be used for <br />application of permits and variances. Mr. Simrell also reported <br />that the planning commission would hold as many meetings as <br />necessary to get organized and started immediately. <br />City Clerk Paulman reported that he had conferred <br />with various business agencies on the bookkeeping system and <br />advied the council that a simple procedure would be worked out. <br />Mayor Treat announced that a new map of Los Altos <br />has just come out and Mr. Rothwell raised a question regarding <br />the county map as to borderlines. The old county map does not <br />correspond with the legal description. It was suggested that <br />a check be made before election time. Mr. Fowle reported in- <br />vestigating the map situation and that it presented a problem. <br />Mr. Rothwell suggested that perhaps the newspaper would co- <br />operate and print a map although it could not print minute <br />details in such a limited space. <br />Mayor Treat presented the problem of repairing flood - <br />damaged roads. After a general discussion, the mayor directed <br />Road Commissioner Macabee and City Engineer McCandless to apply <br />for funds from the federal government . for repair of flood - <br />damaged roads. <br />Ordinance No. 6 was presented for the second reading. <br />This ordinance assigns the duties of assessing and tax collect- <br />ing to the county assessor and tax collector. It was moved by <br />- 4 - 2-14-56 <br />