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09 <br />Ordinance No. 3 was presented by City Attorney Bullis <br />and read by Acting City Clerk, J. M. Fowle, relating to de- <br />posits and payment of moneys. No action was taken. This being <br />the first reading. <br />Resolution No. 6 was presented by City Attorney Bullis <br />and read by Acting City Clerk, J. M. Fowle. This resolution <br />authorizes the mayor and treasurer to borrow up to $1,000 on <br />open note. Adoption was moved by Mr. Bledsoe, seconded by <br />Mr. Dungan. Upon call of the roll, was unanimously carried. <br />Mayor Treat stated that Mr. Bledsoe has arranged public <br />liability insurance on a 30 -day binder. Mr. Bledsoe suggested <br />that the acceptance of the insurance obligation premium not to <br />exceed $100 for 30 days. Adoption was moved by Mr. Rothwell, <br />seconded by Mr. Dungan. Upon call of the roll,, was unanimously <br />carried. <br />Mr. Bledsoe suggested that we join the League of California <br />Cities. Mr. Bullis stated that there would be no charges the <br />first year. City of Los Altos pays about $400 per year. Adop- <br />tion was moved, seconded and motion carried. <br />Mayor Treat asked the council to consider the formation, <br />of various committees and commissions. He entertained comments <br />from the floor. The planning commission should have five members <br />and is the most,important. Other committees suggested were road, <br />legal, general advisory and personnel. <br />- 5 - <br />