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CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) <br />19. Approval of Lease with Verizon Wireless (Leasee) and the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />at 26379 Fremont Road for Ground Space for New Wireless Communications <br />Equipment at Town Hall (Staff. C. Cahill) Reso # <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Persons wishing to address the Council on any subject not on the agenda may do so now. Please <br />complete a Speaker's Card located on the back table of the Council Chambers and submit it to <br />the City Clerk. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. California law prohibits <br />the Council from acting on items that do not appear on the agenda. Under a resolution <br />previously adopted by the Council, such items can be referred to staff for appropriate action, <br />which may include placement on the next available agenda. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />If you challenge the proposed action(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues <br />you or someone else raised at the public hearing described below, or in written correspondence <br />delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. <br />➢ City Council Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure <br />20. 2010 BUILDING ORDINANCE UPDATE, Introduction of an Ordinance repealing <br />Chapters 1, 1.5, 1.7, 2, 3, 4, and 8 of Title VIII (Building Regulations) of the Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code and adopting the 2010 California Building, Housing, <br />Energy, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Green Building Standards, and Fire <br />Codes, including modifications and amendments to the Codes. File # 187-10-Misc <br />CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption Per Section 15061 (b) (3) (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />Motion to Waive Reading Motion to Introduce the Ordinance <br />21. LANDS OF SARRAF (T -Mobile Applicant), 11997 Hilltop Drive; File #43 -1 -CUP; <br />A request for Conditional Use Permit renewal and modification to replace existing <br />12" radome and a new 14" radome on an existing wireless communications facility. <br />CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption Per Section 15301 (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />22. Town Goals 2011 <br />• Personal and Public Safety for All Residents <br />23. Page Mill, Moody, Buena Vista Site Distance Issue (Staff: R. Chiu) <br />24. Lehigh Quarry Update and Request for Funds in an Amount Not -To -Exceed $25,000 <br />(Staff: C. Cahill) <br />3 City Council Regular Meeting Agenda <br />February 17, 2011 <br />