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discharged from the Quarry. Staff recommended scheduling a joint public information meeting in <br />May. <br />Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Waldeck suggested that once authorization to <br />proceed was received from the Council, a statement of work would be set up in order to receive <br />more accurate estimates from the consultants. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Radford and passed <br />unanimously to approve a budget of $25,000, contingent upon getting Los Altos to go 50/50 with <br />the Town. <br />City Manager Carl Cahill recommended that item 22 be moved ahead of item 18. Mayor Summit <br />also moved item 19 after item 22. <br />22. Consideration of Annual Town Picnic and Other Community Relations Committee <br />Events' Budget Proposal (CRC Co -Chairs, Kathy Evans and Roger Burnell) <br />Kathy Evans reported that the Community Relations Committee expects 2,000 residents to attend <br />the 2011 Picnic. The total cost is anticipated to be $30,000. It was pointed out that the approved <br />budget for the picnic was $27,000. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Radford, seconded by Waldeck and passed <br />unanimously to approve the Town Picnic Budget for 2011 an increase over budget of $3,000 for <br />a total $30,000. <br />19. Consideration of Amended Charter for Los Altos Hills Youth Commission and Youth <br />Commissioner Revised Duties and Changes (Staff: S. Gualtieri) <br />Kathy Evans introduced the item to the Council, explained the selection process for Youth <br />Commissioners and the proposed changes to the Charter. The goal is to have at least one Youth <br />Commissioner from each of the high schools. <br />Following discussion by Council, City Manager Cahill recommended that staff bring the report <br />back with cleaner terminology. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Larsen, seconded by Radford and passed <br />unanimously as presented and directed staff to come back with an updated version of the <br />amended Charter for the next meeting. <br />18. Update on Town -wide Online Survey Program (Staff. N. Pegueros) <br />Finance Director Nick Pegueros reported that the Town would be mailing out a registration form <br />on March 18, 2011, inviting residents to sign-up for to an online survey program. The cost for <br />the printing and mailing was approximately $2,500 which came out of the City Council's <br />Webmaster Services budget. <br />Councilmember Waldeck questioned the mechanism available to come up with an effective, <br />objective survey. Councilmember Radford noted that the Council had complete authority to <br />10 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 17, 2011 <br />