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Mayor Summit pointed out that the minutes reflected that the meeting was called to order by <br />Mayor Kerr, but she was the Mayor who called the meeting to order. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Larsen and passed <br />unanimously to approve the Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting — January 13, 2011, <br />and the City Council Meeting — February 17, 2011 <br />6. Acceptance of Donation for Heritage House from the Estate of Dale Ruf-Caputo (Staff. N. <br />Pegueros) <br />Mayor Summit acknowledged that $1,000 was bequeathed to the Heritage House from the <br />Caputo family. The Mayor will write a letter thanking the family. <br />7. Adoption of Ordinance repealing Chapters 1,1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2, 3, 4, and 8 of Title VIII <br />(Building Regulations) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code and adopting by reference <br />the 2010 California Building, Residential, California Green Building Standards, Housing, <br />Energy, Safety assessment Placards, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Fire Codes, <br />including modifications and amendments to the Codes; File #187-10-MISC (Staff: D <br />Pedro) ORD 526 <br />Councilmember Waldeck requested clarification on changes to the ordinance. <br />Planning Director Pedro explained that the item came before Council at its last meeting for <br />Introduction. The major new component was the inclusion of the Building Standards <br />Commission's California Green Building Code. Other changes were made at the request of the <br />4W Fire Marshal with regard to Class A roofs, fire sprinklers, and fire truck turnarounds. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Waldeck, seconded by Larsen and passed <br />unanimously to adopt the Ordinance repealing Chapters 1,1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2, 3, 4, and 8 of Title VIII <br />(Building Regulations) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code and adopting by reference the <br />2010 California Building, Residential, California Green Building Standards, Housing, Energy, <br />Safety assessment Placards, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Fire Codes, including <br />modifications and amendments to the Codes <br />10. Resolution Approving the Santa Clara Valley Water District Grant Fund Application for the <br />Edith Park/Adobe Creek Restoration Project (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />Mayor Pro Tem Larsen requested clarification as to the Town's exposure. <br />Planning Director Pedro explained that the Project budget was approximately $127,000, and staff <br />had applied for a grant with the Santa Clara Valley Water District; one requirement was that the <br />Town put in a minimum 25% cost share. The Town's share was approximately $27,000, which <br />includes a $5,000 cash contribution and the remaining to be in kind contribution such as staff and <br />volunteer hours. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Larsen, seconded by Waldeck and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 14-11 Approving the Santa Clara Valley Water District <br />Grant Fund Application for the Edith Park/Adobe Creek Restoration Project <br />Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 17, 2011 <br />