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3/17/2011 (2)
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City Council Minutes
3/17/2011 (2)
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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13. INITIAL STUDY AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE LOS ALTOS <br />HILLS/STANFORD TRAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, Arastradero and Page <br />Mill Roads between Purissima and Baleri Ranch Roads; Project includes the <br />restoration and construction of walking paths, bike lanes, a retaining wall, and a <br />free -span pedestrian bridge across Matadero Creek. CEQA Review: Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />Mayor Pro Tem Larsen pointed out that the staff recommendation was to continue the <br />project to a date uncertain; however, he favored hearing the staff presentation and input <br />from neighbors. The Council concurred. <br />Planning Director Debbie Pedro introduced the item to the Council. The proposed project <br />encompasses approximately one linear mile from the intersection of Arastradero and <br />Purissima and ends near Tracy Court. The project included the repair and restoration of <br />existing pathways, construction of new sections of pathways, and bike lane striping and <br />road widening where feasible. Pedro proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation showing <br />the proposed trail improvements. The project was consistent with the Town's Pathway <br />Element as well as on the Town's Master Path Plan. The Planning Commission reviewed <br />the project on March 3, 2011, and recommended that staff look into four additional <br />issues: (1) identify current and forecast usage of the trails, parking and impact on local <br />neighborhoods: (2) the potential safety impacts of additional bicycle traffic at the Page <br />Mill Road vehicular bridge; (3) the impacts of increased foot traffic that might result from <br />upgrading the existing native to native decomposed granite paths; and (4) the impacts on <br />non-residents accessing local Los Altos Hills pathways from the proposed trail. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Edwina Cioffi, resident, provided a report on impacts to the residents. The issue was that <br />the initial study and biological assessment was flawed, superficial, incomplete and <br />irresponsible. It was felt that mitigation only addressed environmental factors and ignored <br />long term environmental impacts to homeowners and wildlife. <br />John Meadows, resident, addressed the issue of losing the peace and serenity of the <br />neighborhood over the years due to bicyclists and parked cars. The cars that park on <br />Arastradero force horse riders to travel on the street to get around the cars. <br />Tom Turner, resident, commented on finding out that Stanford had offered Los Altos <br />Hills over $1 million to enhance the trail to connect with the end of Stanford's trail to <br />Pearson Park. His concern was that there was no clarity or disclosure to the people who <br />were affected. <br />Dru Anderson, resident, commented that residents enjoyed the trails when they were <br />maintained according to Town standards. Concern was expressed about the safety issue <br />created at the end of Stirrup due to bicyclists, horses, and cars. <br />Breene Kerr agreed that the parking on Arastradero was out of control and improvements <br />could be made by referring this issue to Town committees. An issue that needed to be <br />addressed was that Palo Alto had not expanded the parking lot at the Open Space <br />5 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 17, 2011 <br />
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