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Preserve. The project represented over $1 million of funds being supplied by someone <br />else to solve a problem. <br />Jean Struthers, Open Space Committee member, supported the staff recommendation for <br />further study. She expressed concern about the importance of saving a Buckeye tree that <br />was planted in memory of Brenda Butner, who wrote the Tree Ordinance. The tree was <br />one of seven trees that were grafted at the Saratoga Horticulture Association. Nita Logan, <br />resident, spoke up and advised that the tree was on her property. <br />Les Earnest, resident, commented that the Old Page Mill Road interchange was <br />dangerous, and the Town had ignored the problem of getting bicyclists, pedestrians and <br />equestrians across two lanes of high speed traffic going on to the onramp. His <br />recommendation was that the Council set up a study group to address the issue. <br />Jeff Logan, resident, objected to the proposal and process for the pathway project because <br />he believed it would negatively impact the residents. Some impacts that need to be <br />mitigated include the substandard roadway conditions on Page Mill Road; site distance <br />was not consistent with the usage of the roadway and speeds being driven; lack of <br />property striping and lighting makes navigating through the congested sections more <br />challenging to drivers, bikers and joggers; and additional traffic would exacerbate the <br />existing substandard design constraint condition. The proposed project would make <br />parking in the neighborhood an increased concern. Privacy and intrusion was also a <br />concern. <br />Irene Wu, resident, concurred with Mr. Logan's comments. Her concern was that the <br />project would benefit bicyclists, hikers or visitors who came to enjoy the trails. Parking <br />was a major issue. <br />Mark Lee, resident, emphasized that the benefit to homeowners should be the overriding <br />concern of the Council. <br />Ann Duwe, Pathways Committee member, expressed concern that the project was not <br />addressed by the Pathway Committee prior to going to the Planning Commission. <br />Stanford was under pressure to offer to give the Town over $1 million which would be in <br />the Town's interest to use that money to make safety improvements to the Arastradero <br />corridor. <br />David Struthers, resident, favored the improvements on Arastradero from Purissima to <br />Page Mill, particularly for bicyclists. <br />Tom Wheelock, resident, urged that the Council follow the staff recommendation for <br />further study. He suggested that parking be eliminated on Arastradero between Page Mill <br />and the Preserve. <br />Roberta Riga, resident, commented that the only potential benefit for the proposal was the <br />$1 million. Her concern was with the existing situation, which she felt the proposal would <br />exacerbate. The Council was urged to take into consideration the interests of the <br />residents. <br />Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 17, 2011 <br />