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Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Waldeck did not find the solution workable, <br />long-term. Mayor Summit suggested that the Town would have an objective measure to <br />ow use at the current time; changes could be made at a later date. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />No public comment. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Larsen, seconded by Radford to <br />waive reading and introduce an Ordinance amending the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code <br />Title 5 (Public Welfare, Morals and Conduct), Chapter 2 (Noise). Motion passed with <br />Waldeck voting no. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />16. Page Mill, Moody, Buena Vista Site Distance Issue (Staff: R. Chiu) <br />City Engineer/Public Works Director Richard Chiu introduced the item to the Council. After the <br />February 17, 2011, Council meeting, the Town's traffic consultant conducted a Stop Sign <br />Warrant analysis on Page Mill Road at Moody Road/Buena Vista Drive, and the results <br />supported an all -way stop sign. A meeting was held with the County and Palo Alto to discuss the <br />warrant analysis, and the County and Palo Alto were not in support of the stop signs. A proposal <br />was offered to do signage and pavement markings. Staff contacted Supervisor Liz Kniss' office <br />to request that the County reconsider its decision. <br />Mayor Summit advised that Scott Strickland, Senior Policy Analyst for Liz Kniss assured her <br />that their office was working on the issue. <br />Council discussion ensued. Suggestion was made to ask staff to look into a new vehicle detection <br />system that would activate flashing lights. <br />Chiu suggested that if the Council wanted to pursue the option of improvements within the <br />Town's 10 -foot strip, staff could survey the location to know exactly where the easement was in <br />preparation for some type of new technology vehicle warning system. Council concurred for the <br />need of a survey. <br />17. Recommendation on Consulting Services for Air and Water Quality Testing, Lehigh <br />Quarry, and Peer Review of Existing Data (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />Planning Director Pedro reported that at the February 17, 2011, Council meeting, the Council <br />directed staff to look into environmental consultants to evaluate Lehigh Quarry's air and water <br />quality data. Staff contacted two possible consultants and has recommended a budget of $25,000 <br />for preliminary review. She advised that Councilmember Waldeck, Los Altos Mayor Ron <br />Packard, and staff held meetings with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br />(BAAQMD) staff and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) staff to discuss <br />Lehigh. According to the BAAQMD, there was no immediate harmful health hazard. The <br />RWQCB had issued a notice of violation on February 22, 2011, due to the amount of water being <br />9 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 17, 2011 <br />