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REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES SUB -COMMITTEES, AND COUNCILMEMBERS <br />ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />22. Mayor's Meeting with Committee Chairs (Mayor, G. Summit) <br />Mayor Summit reported on her meeting with the Committee Chairs. She noted that one <br />Chair prefers to start the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance; however, some rooms <br />did not have flags. Staff has purchased several small flags for meetings rooms that do not <br />have one. Mayor Summit pointed out that some committees are specific while others are <br />blended. Chairs were asked to review their charters to see what they actually do and let <br />her know what works and what does not work. <br />Council discussion ensued. One suggestion was to reactivate the Emergency Preparedness <br />Committee. The City Manager, as the head of that committee, will set up a meeting and <br />prepare a productive agenda. Another suggestion was to have each Committee Chair <br />attend a Council Meeting, on a rotational basis, to provide updates to the Council. <br />23. Update on Lehigh Quarry Ad Hoc Alliance (Councilmember, G. Waldeck) <br />Planning Director Pedro provided an update to the Council on the joint public meeting <br />held last Monday; approximately 60 people attended with many from Cupertino and <br />Sunnyvale. Mayor Ron Packard was the moderator, and the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District provided a presentation and responded to questions that were asked. <br />A consultant will do testing of the air quality. <br />Councilmember Waldeck advised that the ad hoc Fence Committee met and reviewed <br />comparison documentation from other towns. The Committee elected to look at samples <br />of fencing to submit to Planning. The next meeting will be on July 29. <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />No reports were given. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by the consensus of the City Council <br />at 11:07 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />ewww" �'uiavarz <br />Deborah Padovan <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the June 16, 2011 regular City Council meeting were approved as <br />presented at the July 21, 2011 City Council meeting. <br />10 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 16, 2011 <br />