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PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />12. A Request to Construct an Identification Sign at the Intersection of Viscaino Road and <br />Viscaino Place, 12879 Viscaino Road; Lands of Cannon (Applicant -Fremont Hills Country <br />Club) File #233-10-ZP; (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />Assistant Planner Nicole Horvitz introduced the item to the Council. The Town Code allows for <br />the placement of identification signs on a property; however, the proposed sign for Fremont Hills <br />Country Club is not located on the Club's property. The request is that the sign be placed on the <br />Lands of Cannon; the property owner has provided consent for the sign to be located on his <br />property. The 3' x 2' sign would be placed outside the public right-of-way. One neighbor sent <br />objections via email because he felt it was unnecessary. The action requested of the Council is to <br />approve the requested sign with recommended conditions and findings listed in the staff report. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />The manager of the Fremont Hills Country Club, Scott Domnie spoke about the former, <br />unattractive sign. He added that funds will be spent to beautify everything around the area <br />of the proposed sign. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Waldeck and passed <br />unanimously to approve the requested sign at the intersection of Viscaino Road and Viscaino <br />Place, subject to the conditions of approval and findings of approval. <br />13. Consideration of Proposed Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for the Fiscal Year <br />2011-12 (Staff: N. Pegueros) Reso# 32-11 <br />Finance Director Nick Pegueros introduced the item to the Council. He provided an overview of <br />the process used to build the budget including major changes. The Council and Finance and <br />Investment Committee (FIC) met on May 12 to review the assumptions used to build the revenue <br />and expense forecast and looked at a variety of capital programs for the next fiscal year. The FIC, <br />at its June 2 meeting, voted unanimously to recommend approval of the budget. <br />Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Mordo suggested that the Town, at a later date, look <br />at alternatives to the services provided by the County and look at comparative bids. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Mark Breier recommended that the Town consider allocating $10,000 for Los Altos Hills <br />Families next year to continue its activities within the Town. <br />Council discussion ensued. Council expressed appreciation for the good work of the Los Altos <br />Hills Families but suggested changing the structure of the group, perhaps as a part of the Parks <br />and Recreation Committee. Concern was expressed about giving Town money to a private group. <br />4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 16, 2011 <br />