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Mr. Breier did not believe that members of the Los Altos Hills Families wanted ties with the Park <br />and Recreation Committee or the Community Relations Committee. <br />Councilmember Radford recommended that the Los Altos Hills Families provide a reporting to <br />the Parks and Recreation Committee including a forecast of the annual anticipated expenses for <br />reimbursement. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Radford and passed <br />unanimously to allocate $10,000 for the five events of the Los Altos Hills Families and direct the <br />City Manager to work with staff on coordination with existing committees. <br />Resident Jitze Couperus suggested that the Council consider the cost savings if the Council were <br />to use a "tablet" to save costs on printing, ink, paper, and mailing. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Larsen and passed <br />unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 32-11 that establishes the Town's 2011-12 Appropriations <br />Limit; 2011-12 Appropriations; and the 2011-12 Compensation Plan. <br />14. Consideration of Appropriation for Citizens' Option for Public Safety Fund (COPS) <br />(Staff: N. Pegueros) Reso# 33-11 <br />Finance Director Nick Pegueros introduced the item to the Council. The item before the Council <br />is to adopt the budget for the Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) funded program. Staff <br />anticipates that the State will eliminate funding for this program in 2011-12. The COPS funding <br />has enabled the Town to hire a Public Safety Office and to provide equipment and supplies for <br />the Emergency Operations Center. The request is for a $25,000 transfer from the General Fund. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />There were no comments from the public. <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Larsen and passed <br />unanimously to approve Resolution # 33-11 Adopting the Operating Budget for the Citizens' <br />Option for Public Safety Fund for Fiscal Year 2011-12. <br />COUNCIL INITIATED ITEMS <br />24. Status Report on North County Library Authority Review of the Santa Clara County <br />Library JPA and Consideration of Support for Option Analysis for the Los Altos Library to <br />Withdraw from the County Library JPA (Councilmember, J. Mordo) <br />Councilmember Mordo provided a brief explanation of the Santa Clara County Library JPA. <br />Documents before the Council included a Requested Budget Summary and the formula share for <br />the cities in the JPA. Factors involved include the Town not receiving its fair share, the <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 16, 2011 <br />