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Councilmember Mordo questioned when the Arastradero path will come before the Council. <br />Mayor Summit advised that a traffic study would be done once the Page Mill pastures opened to <br />see what would happen to parking and additional traffic. A study has been scheduled to see what <br />was happening with the Arastradero corridor. <br />Director Chiu advised that the traffic survey was done the previous Saturday, and results were <br />expected within one week. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Larsen asked how the no -parking signs on Altamont near the Arastradero <br />Preserve were working. Director Chiu advised that he heard from the Sheriff that there have <br />been improvements with the parking. Concern was expressed about the number of no -parking <br />signs but the Council concurred that the signs were necessary at the current time. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Larsen questioned the Council's thoughts about the rush hour traffic on I-280 <br />and whether it was an issue from the Town's perspective. One suggestion was to extend the HOV <br />lane further north for the afternoon traffic. Council recommended that Mayor Pro Tem Larsen <br />discuss this issue with the VTA. <br />16. Introduction of Ordinance of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills Authorizing <br />an Amendment to the Contract Between the Town and the Board of Administration of <br />California Public Employees Retirement System (Staff. N. Pegueros) <br />Finance Director Nick Pegueros introduced the item to the Council, which is a continuation of <br />the Council's direction to staff to implement a second tier pension plan. The Council, at its May <br />12, 2011, meeting adopted the Resolution of intent. The ordinance was introduced. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Waldeck and passed <br />unanimously to waive reading and introduce a proposed ordinance to authorize an amendment to <br />the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' <br />Retirement System and the Town Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />17. Consideration of Proposed Draft Ordinance Amending Title 12, Chapter 1 "Parks, <br />Preserves and Public Areas" by Adding Section 12-1.04 "Powered Model Vehicles <br />Prohibited" (Staff. S. Garcia) <br />City Manager Cahill reported the Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amendment to <br />prohibit model car racing in public lands where horses are. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by Radford and passed <br />unanimously to waive reading and introduce an ordinance amending Title 12, Chapter 1 "Parks, <br />Preserves and Public Areas" by adding Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Section 12-1.04 entitled <br />"Powered Model Vehicles Prohibited." <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 16, 2011 <br />